Anybody Got The “Blues”?
Today I’ve got the “Blues.” But in a GOOD way! Here in Texas in July, we are accustomed to triple digit temperatures that can go on for days, even weeks at a time.
Now I love summertime as much as the next person, but think about it: 100+ temps….. – days on end…. – yeah, it can be pretty exhausting! That’s why I am so excited that over the last few days we have had RAIN!!! High temperature a few days back – somewhere in the 70’s (I think it was a new record low “high” temp for the date here in Dallas.) And blue skies! Not sunshiny blue skies, but those gray-blue skies that come before, during and after a soft, gentle rain.
My mood, my attitude, my whole outlook on life – they all just took a deep breath, exhaled, then dialed it back a notch or two. Something about those blue gray skies can just slow you down, snuggle you up and give you the energy for a re-start, all at the same time. That must be why I love those beautiful blues in luxurious bedrooms. Here are a few of my favorites for your enjoyment.

Tobi Fairley Interiors/House Beautiful
Bathed in this soothing shade of blue along with glam furnishings and accessories, this bedroom is the perfect relaxing retreat.

Home Decorating Trends Magazine
Love the “pops” of pink! They absolutely make this room.

The blue and white damask wallpaper and layering of fabrics and patterns create the story here. Clean, crisp, a touch of “formal”, but, oh, so inviting!

Kim Armstrong Interior Design
And after a relaxing day at the beach, a relaxing evening in this gorgeous beach bedroom!
One of my favorites — I can see a rainy afternoon, a book, ….
Ahhhh, afternoon nap, anyone?